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1. The Association shall be called 'Age Anaesthesia Association'.

2. The Association exits to promote the art and science of anaesthesia for older people and to provide a forum for discussion and research of pertinent matters.



Ordinary membership: Any registered healthcare practitioner may apply for Ordinary Membership of the Association. Ordinary members shall pay a subscription.

Retired membership shall be open to those Ordinary Members who have retired from active medical practice upon personal application from the members concerned.

Honorary Life Members. Members who have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of anaesthesia and perioperative care of the older patient, and upon whom the Association desires to confer recognition may be so elected and presented a certificate at an Annual General Meeting.



i). All ordinary members of the Age Anaesthesia Association shall pay such subscriptions and at such times as may be decided by the full members at the Annual General Meeting. Subscriptions will be collected annually”

ii). Members will pay a reduced registration fee for Scientific Meetings of the Association.

iii). Honorary Life Members and Associate Members are not required to pay a membership subscription.

iv). Retired Members are welcome to make a donation.



A member shall cease to be a member in the following circumstances:

i). If by notice in writing or email to the Secretary of the Society, the member resigns. Every notice to resign shall be deemed to take effect from the next Annual General Meeting after the giving of such notice.

ii). If the member is expelled.

iii). If the membership subscription is in arrears by six months, and not paid after due notification. A member who ceases to be so after failure to pay the membership subscription may, with the consent of Council, be reinstated on payment of the arrears.

iv). If the member's name is removed from the Medical Register by the General Medical Council, or, in the case of a non medical member, from the Register of the members equivalent licensing body.



i). There shall be an Annual General Meeting unless there are extenuating circumstances preventing the normal meeting of the Association.

ii). Special General Meetings may be called from time to time by Council, and the Secretary shall call a Special General Meeting within six weeks from the receipt of a requisition signed by at least 15 members stating the purpose for which the meeting is to be summoned. At least 7 days notice of the meeting must be given.

iii). No rule may be made, altered, or rescinded, except by the Association in a General Meeting.

iv). The Annual General Meeting shall be held in every year upon a date which will normally have been decided at a previous Annual General Meeting. (Other than in situations alluded to in 6.i).).

v). Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be sent to members at least one month before the date of the meeting.

At the Annual General Meeting, the following business shall be conducted:

  • To approve the nominations of Council for Officers of the Association;

  • To elect other Members of Council;

  • To receive a report from Council (President);

  • To receive the Treasurer's report and accounts;

  • To set the level of the annual subscriptions;

  • Such other business as Council may decide.


vi). Apart from changes to the constitution or a motion to wind up the society which will require a two thirds majority, all questions needing a vote will be decided by a simple majority of those present and entitled to vote excluding the Chair of the meeting. In the event of a tie the Chair shall have a casting vote.



Any member wishing to move any resolution at the Annual General Meeting shall give notice thereof in writing or via email to the Secretary not less than eight weeks before the date of such meeting.



The Officers of the Association shall consist of:

  • President - elected for a period of not more than 3 years;

  • President Elect - to be on Council for one year prior to taking office in September;

  • Honorary Secretary - 3 year term;

  • Honorary Treasurer/Membership Secretary - 3 year term.


Any other officers whom the Council from time to time determines.


All officers are subject to re-election at the AGM or a special meeting convened for the purpose.



The business of the Association shall be conducted by a Council consisting of the Officers of the Association and a number of Ordinary Members. Council shall also have the power to co-opt as Members, or invite as observers, those whose advice or expertise would assist Council's deliberations.

i). The President, Honorary Secretary and Treasurer of the Association shall be nominated by the Council, and the names submitted to the Annual General Meeting for the approval of the Membership. These Officers will take up post at the next meeting of Council following the Annual General Meeting. The President will not normally hold office for more than 3 consecutive years, unless the Council and the Association in General Meeting otherwise decide in any particular case.

ii). The Ordinary Members of Council are elected at the Annual General Meeting. The term of office shall be three years. A retiring council member shall be eligible for re-election for a further three year term at the end of their first term of office. Council may submit nominations for the vacancies for ordinary Council Members which must be sent with the notice of the Annual General Meeting. Any members of the Association may also nominate any Member of the Association for election to Council provided that such nominations be sent in writing tor email o the Honorary Secretary not less than two weeks before the Annual General Meeting. New council members are elected at the AGM in May, and take up office in October at the Council meeting. It is expected that council members attend a minimum of 2 annual meetings and 2 other council meetings during their 3 year term.

iii). Any casual vacancy occurring in the office of Honorary Officers or of the Council may be filled by the Council, but any person so chosen shall retain the office so long only as the vacating members in whose place the appointment has been made, would have retained the same if no vacancy had occurred. However, such members may stand for re-election for a further term, in such circumstances, for up to 3 years.



i). An Ordinary Meeting of Council shall, unless the President otherwise dictates, be held at least half-yearly. Normally, one meeting will be held shortly before the Annual General Meeting, and the other in the winter. The meetings may be face to face or virtual.

ii). Council shall have power to appoint standing or other committees or sub-committees as necessary to consider matters and report to Council. Any member of the Association may be appointed to these committees.

iii). Between meetings the Secretary and other officers shall communicate using all means available including email. Such correspondence may take the place of emergency meetings and should be adequately minuted.

iv). The Quorum of the council shall be 4 members.



Council shall cause minutes to be duly entered in the books provided for the purpose:

i). Of all appointments of officers;

ii). Of the names of the members of Council present at each meeting of Council and of any committee of Council;

iii). Of all orders made, or direction given to Council;

iv). Of all resolutions and proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association and of meetings of Council and committees of Council.



Council shall have the power to reimburse Council members and others for expenses incurred in the service of the Association or to remunerate other persons who assist the work of the Council from time to time.



i). Council shall cause true accounts to be kept of all sums of money received and expended by the Association, and the matters in respect of which such receipt and expenditure takes place and of the assets, credits and liabilities of the Association. The books of accounts shall be kept at such place, or places as the Council thinks fit.

ii). The financial year of the Association shall end on the 30th April in each year, to which day the accounts of the Association shall be balanced.

iii). Subject to any reasonable restrictions as to the time and manner of inspecting the same that may from time to time be imposed by the Association in General Meeting, the books and accounts of the Association shall be open to the inspection of the Members at all reasonable hours.

iv). At each Annual General Meeting, Council shall lay before the Association a balance sheet containing a summary of the property and liabilities of the Association made up to the last financial year.

v). Cheques shall be signed by one of the following; The President, The Honorary Treasurer/Membership Secretary or the Honorary Secretary.



The title of all or any real property which may be acquired by or for the purpose of the AAA shall be vested in trustees who shall be appointed by the full members and who shall enter into a Deed of Trust setting forth the purpose and conditions under which they hold the said property in trust for the AAA. The number of trustees shall not be fewer than two.



If the Council decides by a simple majority that there are grounds for the dissolution of the AAA then it shall give notice that such a resolution is to be put before the full membership by means of a postal ballot. If such a decision is then confirmed by a simple majority vote of full members, then all debts and liabilities will be settled at the earliest opportunity. Any residual assets shall be transference to such charitable purposes of all like a nature as possible to the objectives.

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